The resources below help connect registered citizens [and their families/friends] with information they may need for life [or to prepare for life] on the registry. You can also read our blog for updated news and info that impacts registrants from around the country.

Advocacy groups help by bringing important information to registrants [and those that support them] and by raising awareness about unfair legislation that is proven to be overly burdensome and ineffective at achieving their purpose of protecting children and communities at large.

If you [or someone you know] find themselves accused of sex related crime, you [they] will need qualified legal representation. We do not recommend any specific attorney, however we provide links to websites where you can find attorneys in your area for defense of sex related crimes.

If you [or someone you know] find themselves accused of sex related crime, you [they] may be required to attend an SOTP (Sex Offender Treatment Program). We do not recommend any specific treatment providers, however we provide a list of providers by state.

You’ll find additional information and links organized by state here. We collect information from many sources and provide links to them as well. The more you know, the better you [and those that support you] can prepare. If you have info you feel we should make available please let us know.

Learn more about our radius mapping tool that can help find locations around safe zones.

Learn more about our radius mapping tool that can help find locations around safe zones.


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